The international journal of Agriculture, Management and Technology (IJAMT) is an international journal designed to provide information in areas of agriculture, management and technology. The main aim is to disseminate information resulting from research experiences of scientists in the field of agriculture, management and technology. The federal college of agriculture Ishiagu, Nigeria publishes the journal. The international journal of Agriculture, Management and Technology (IJAMT) publishes twice or more in a year as occasion demands. The activities of the journal come under the guidance of the Editorial Team with an Editorial Advisory Committee of renowned scientist from within and outside the country. All manuscripts received for publication in the journal are subjected to peer-review. Even when papers have been published in the journal, the responsibility over the information provided lies with the author(s). Contributors of articles published in the journal are however deemed to have transferred the copyright of the materials to the publishers.

Only original, unpublished articles not under consideration for publication elsewhere should be submitted. Review articles may be accepted for publication if they highlight solutions to existing problems using the body of knowledge available. Articles must be technically sound and written in English. Papers in other languages must be translated into English.
Articles must be typed in A4 papers, double-spaced and with at least 3cm margins on the top and bottom while the left and right margin would be 4cm each. Full length papers including tables and figures should not normally exceed 15 pages. The organization of the paper should follow these sub-heads: Title. Abstract (of not more than 200 words). Keywords. Introduction. Materials and Method. Results. Discussion. Acknowledgment (if any), and references. The first page should have the title, author(s), names and addresses only. The second page should have the title followed by abstract and so on. A running title of not more than five words should be provided for each paper.
Tables and figures must be submitted on separate sheet and clearly identified. Figures should be original copies and ready for filming. Poor figures would be rejected and this would delay publication of affected articles. Author(s) should use figures and tables only when necessary.

REFERENCES: Reference should be presented using the guideline below
Journal articles should generally follow the APA style.
For single author articles:
Kadurumba, C.(2010). Economic efficiency of traditional palm oil processing in Imo State, Nigeria. Int.J. Agric. R. Dev. 1:10-9.
For multiple author. Write the last names of the authors, followed by the initials. Separate the authors name with comas until the last name. add the year of publication in parenthesis, followed by the title of the papers as in single authored papers.
Henry, O.U.,Brady, H.Y. (1998). Farming system research methods in developing economy. J.Agric. Method. 3:1-7.
Martins, 0. and Emeka, K.L. (1980) Biogeochemistry Major and Mineral Transport. In: Biogeochemistry of major world Rivers Eds T. Degens, S. Kempe, and J.E. Eme John Wiley & Sons. London. 267-277.
Reference within the paper must have author(s) names followed by the year ofpublication in parenthesis.
Contributors in the journal should submit three hard copies of each paper to be considered for publication. Submission must be accompanied by a handling charge of N2000.00 or USS 100.00 per paper. Papers sent without the handling charge may not be processed. Paper considered publishable would be subjected to payment of publication charges.
All manuscript should be sent to:
The Deputy Editor-in-Chief/Secretary,IJAMT, Federal College of Agriculture, P.M.B, 7008, Ishiagu, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.